Thursday, December 17, 2009

Booze and Drugs

The key here is self-control.

The consumption of these substance sins is near harmless if taken in moderation. Now, I am speaking from experience; as I have done my share of experimentation. I have yet to feel any pull to a drug.

I believe that it is a mental thing more than any other factor. If you can tell yourself with confidence that you won't abuse the substance, then you wont. If you believe that you can conquer the substance, then your behavior will reflect that. This is the basis of the self-fulfilling prophecy.

As for a reason behind the intake of any of the substances at hand, it is completely up to you. For myself, I enjoy trying new things; to the point you wont believe. I will carry out tasks or experiments that may be masochistic to myself or maybe sadistic to other people if I know that their gain equals more than their loss. An example you ask? about convincing somebody with arthritis to bungee jump or someone with a fear of public speaking to sing in front of a crowd in a public space. Yes, fear and humility have them chained back, but I think it is better to be unchained and possibly suffer, then to remain ignorant of what you are not suffering from. As Plato says in his Cave allegory, enlightenment may make you dizzy and nauseous at first, but once experienced, you can never go back to the dark world.

So, my advice? If you live in your own direction as opposed to being led by life's chauffeurs, then go ahead and give 'em a try. You will experience different feelings and thoughts that you may be able to translate to the sober world. This is definitely worth it as long as no harm comes of it.

Happy travels!

And remember, "Everyday in every way, I make myself better and better."

"First Post Gitters"

Dear Diary,, dear intimidating, white space...

You're reading this right now because Tabloids dont provide enough fill for the day, your girlfriend's gossip doesnt get you hard anymore, or you are quite possibly forced by gun point.

In either case, I'm going to do my best to spread my knowledge and opinions of various topics to the minds of you little ones. The purpose being that if you ever want to succeed in being someone, there are certain 'staples' of knowledge we should all hold. So, if you have the guts, stick around for the ride.